Our organization that completes the necessary accreditation works © EkomarinWhen , receives the requests of companies requesting Eco-Label in this direction, it first checks whether the product or service applied for is within the scope of the ECO Label ecological label system. In the Ekomark © Standard, criteria have been determined for the product or product groups covered by the Eco-Label. If a non-compliance is not found after the preliminary evaluation, our company Ekomark © makes a mutual agreement with the applicant company before starting the studies.
Eco-Label EMAS If the Eco-Management and Inspection System or ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is installed and the relevant standards are applied, Ekomark © Certification processcan easily be integrated with these standards that evaluate and improve the quality of the process. That is why Ekomark © Certification works can be done very easily.
As it is known, EMAS The Eco-Management and Audit System is based on existing legal regulations. For example, if there are legal restrictions on the use of a hazardous substance during production, a company that complies with the EMAS standard complies with it. As such, it can easily meet the criteria set for the Eco-Label. The EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Program was developed to improve the company's environmental performance and is voluntary.
Our company Ekomark © uses the Ekomark © Standard, which is prepared based on the Eco-Label Regulation 2010 / 66 / EC, issued by the European Union and updated in 2010. These criteria have been determined by the European Union on the basis of product groups as a result of long studies and over Ekomark © Tag proves that the products and services found comply with high environmental and performance standards.
Our company Ekomark © starts certification studies after making a contract with the company applying for certification.
The ecological label system is a voluntary application. There is no compulsion from official authorities and does not face trade barriers. But the benefits of the system to companies that will offer their products and services to the European Union markets are many. Products and services bearing the Ekomark © Label can easily find buyers in European Union countries. It provides companies with a significant competitive advantage and advantage. Moreover, Eco-Label criteria are increasingly used while tender specifications are being prepared in Environmental Public Procurement practices in Europe these days.
Companies that will participate in these tenders from our country or companies that want to open to the European Union and world markets can apply for certification to our company Ekomark©, provided that they meet the criteria related to the product group or services they apply.
After the contract to be made, our organization will quickly request documents, statements, test results and similar information from the company proving that the products or services meet the Eco-Label criteria. After the preliminary evaluation, the application of the company will be sent to the ECO Label, which is determined as the authorized institution in the ecological label system, in order to get an opinion. The certification body is responsible for providing the necessary technical support during the application process.
What information and documents the company should provide during the certification application is included in the user manuals prepared for product groups within the scope of Ekomark © Standard.