The last step of the certification studies carried out by our organization Ekomark © is to give permission to use the label. After it has been determined that the products and services of the company comply with the criteria set by the European Union on the basis of product groups within the framework of Ekomark © Standard and meet all the necessary conditions, the manufacturer is allowed to place Ekomark © Label on its products or services.
Products and services bearing the Ekomark © Label are products that minimize the environmental impact during production and use. The main purpose of this practice is to make consumers healthier and more sensitive to environmental problems. Ekomark © Standard Thanks to this, on the one hand, manufacturers approach an environmentally sensitive production system against the production, use and waste conditions of the products, while consumers are directed to prefer products that do not harm the environment.
Today, everyone is more conscious about protecting the environment and not damaging the environment.
The foundations of the Eco-Label laid in the European Union in 1992 or Ecological Label is a label that is used in products and services that are sensitive to nature and have low impact. Firstly, we started with cosmetic products, but today we find this application in many areas from paint products to textile products, from televisions to computers.
Our company Ekomark ©, depending on the conditions required to use Ekomark © Tagstates that the damage caused by these products to nature is very low and the manufacturer acts more sensitive to nature.
When our company Ekomark © performs certification studies upon the request of the company and allows the company to use the Ekomark © Label, the products bearing this label express the following:
- The damage to the natural environment is very low
- The product is manufactured in accordance with natural conditions.
- The product vanishes spontaneously in a natural environment.
- The packaging on the product has no negative effect on nature.
- It is not a guarantee of product quality but evokes the quality of the product.
Permission to use the Ekomark © Tag issued by our organization is announced in the Ekomark database on the web. In this way, permission is valid all over the world.
Consumers who do not have ecology knowledge are informed about the product, as consumers turn to Ekomark © Label or ecological labels. In a way, a bridge is established between the consumers and the producer company. These products are easily differentiated from their counterparts.
Companies can place the Ekomark © Label on their products in accordance with the following standards:
Ekomark ©: AAAA / BBB / CCCCC |
Ekomark ©: AAAA / BBB / CCCCC
Here AAAA refers to the country code, BBB product group and CCCCC refers to the number given by the competent authority.
Today there are more than one hundred ecological labels directly and indirectly in the textile sector. The most commonly used labels are EU Eco-Label, Blue Sign, Blue Angel, Swan or Nordic Ecolabel. Ekomark © is now among them.
Ecological labels are a subgroup of ISO standards. These standards are:
- First type ecological labels: TS EN ISO 14024 Ecological labels and declarations - Type 1: Environmental labeling - Principles and methods
- Second type of ecological labels: TS EN ISO 14021 Ecological labels and declarations - Self-declaration of environmental claims (Type 2 Environmental labels)
- Third type of ecological labels: TS EN ISO 14025 Ecological Labels and statements - Type 3: Environmental statements - Principles and procedures