Ecological labels application in European Union countries Eco-Label System but soon spread all over the world. Everyone is now aware that natural resources are depleted, animal and plant species are gradually decreasing, climate changes, global warming, ozone depletion and many other environmental disasters are at the doorstep.
Ecological labels, on the one hand, give reputation to the products and services bearing this label, on the other hand, increase the market share of the manufacturer and give the company competitive power.
The ecological labels application, which was started by the European Union in 1992, covers all the European Union countries and has spread all over the world.
Our company Ekomark© has developed the Ekomark© Standard in our country by complying with this global expansion of ecological labels. Ekomark © Standard It is mainly built on the Eco-Label System implemented in the European Union, but it has been designed completely considering the product features and conditions in our country. As it is known, each country can design an ecological label in line with its own national regulations and practices. For example, the Blue Angel Label in Germany, the ECO Quality Symbol in the Netherlands and the Nordic Swan Label in Scandinavian countries are examples. Moreover, these ecological labels are accepted not only in their own country but also by other countries.
Developed by our organization Ekomark © Tag is one of them and has the power to compete among ecological labels in the world. However, harmonization studies on this issue in our country have not been completed yet. Within the framework of the Environment Chapter opened by the European Union, the law on ecological labels should also be enacted in our country. Since these studies have not been completed yet, our organization has been accredited by a foreign accreditation institution and it gives permission to request companies to use Ekomark © Label based on this authorization for their products and services.
The Ekomark © Tag usage permission given to companies is announced on the Ekomark database on the web. In this way, permission is valid all over the world.
The use of Ekomark © Label, which the companies in our country will request from our organization, is an important step in order to be prepared before these legal regulations. Since it is accredited from abroad, the Ekomark © Label is an ecological label that is accepted all over the world today. It will be to their advantage for our companies that will enter the world markets to obtain this label for their products in the current product and service categories or to request a criterion determination study for new products.
To learn more about Ekomark © application in the world, you can contact our company managers.