The difference between the amount of natural resources that the world can provide sustainably and the amount that people demand is shrinking in a dimension that threatens human life and nature. The narrowing of this difference is ecological risk.
The tendency of natural resources to be consumed in our country and in the world shows parallelism. Since the 1970 in our country as in the whole world ecological capacity (or biological capacity) deficit is growing. Nevertheless, according to calculations, this deficit is about one third of the world average.
Ecosystems in our country are able to cover only half of resource consumption. Competition for access to ecological capacity is increasing all over the world. If measures are not taken, natural resources will soon be exhausted. Ecological risks it threatens our country and is not the kind to be taken lightly.
In the face of the increasing importance of natural resources, countries have started to draw up ecological risk profiles. Ecological risk countries are dependent on forests, fresh water resources and agricultural areas in other countries of the world. Ecological risk studies are carried out to secure the future by collecting the data needed to manage resources. Countries conducting ecological risk studies measure, monitor and manage the value of their ecological assets. It seeks ways to eliminate the risks posed by ecological hazards.
In short, ecological risk studies aim to protect natural resources. Ecological risk management is carried out with environmental sustainability in mind and progress indicators are set out in detail.
Ecological risk management is based on the ecological footprint. The ecological footprint is the biologically productive water and soil area needed to regenerate the resources consumed by people, society, or activities, and eliminate the waste generated by the technology and resource management used today. This area also includes the necessary areas for vegetation that will allow the absorption of waste carbon dioxide.
By our organization, Ekomark © Standard ecological risk management approach has been taken into consideration while designing. The first objective of our organization is to protect natural resources both in our country and in the world and to try to consume them at the lowest level.
If you want to get more information about Ekomark © ecological risk management, our company managers and employees are always with you.