Ekomark © What is the Tag
Now the whole world is more conscious about environmental problems. As consumers become more conscious, their interest in environmentally friendly products increases. Research shows that consumers choose products and services that are less harmful to the environment in their production stages and that they want to contribute more to the protection of nature in this way.
The most important of the basic ideas behind the Ekomark © Standard developed by our organization is the production of environmentally friendly products that protect the nature, not damaging the nature in the stages of product cultivation, and the consumption of these products is not harmful to human health. Ekomark © StandardAlthough it is designed completely in accordance with the conditions of our country and uniquely, it is actually built on the Eco-Label system developed by the European Union and has been in use since 1992. Ecological label systems developed on a national basis in other countries do not have a different structure.
Our company offers products and services to companies Ekomark © Tag It uses criteria on the basis of product groups prepared and continuously developed by the European Union while giving permission for use. In this way, common criteria are applied for products and services among all other ecological label designs, and simplicity and transparency are provided in the application.
The Ekomark © label has the following meaning for consumers and manufacturers:
• This label is given only to environmentally friendly products in the product groups.
• Permission to use this label is given after environmental tests are carried out on the sample taken from the product.
• This label ensures that environmental impacts are minimal throughout the entire life cycle, from production to disposal.
• With this label, consumers are informed about product selection.
• This label easily distinguishes it from similar products.
• Permission to use this label is based on the authorization obtained from an accreditation body.
• This label is accepted in all European Union countries and countries that are sensitive to ecological labels.
• Manufacturers can easily compete in the market thanks to this label.
• With this system, manufacturing companies improve their production activities and methods.
If you need different information about what Ekomark © Tag is and how it is used, our company's managers and employees are ready to support.
Packaging Products Eco Certification
The Eco-Label System, which was started to be developed in the European Union countries and then spread all over the world, has been accepted in many countries and many ecological labels have been designed. Although these labels are especially accepted in the country where they are designed, some of them have also been adopted and applied by other countries. Countries where ecological labels are designed have developed their studies based on product groups that concern their own markets.
Today, there are other ecological label applications that are more widely used and accepted than the flower logo of the European Union Eco-Label system. Examples are the Blue Angel Label designed in Germany, the ECO Quality Symbol designed in the Netherlands, and the Nordic Swan Label designed in Scandinavian countries. In our country, it is now designed by our organization. Ekomark © Tag . Ekomark © Standardis a standard developed entirely by our organization and based on product groups directly related to our country's markets.
ecological labelsare given on the basis of criteria determined on the basis of product groups. By considering the production and use stages of products or services, ecological labels are given to products and services that are thought to cause less harm to the environment than similar products and services. As well as the products, the materials and methods used for packaging and packaging these products may also have conditions that harm the environment. If the companies producing these materials and their products comply with the criteria determined by the European Union, our organization gives the company permission to use the Ekomark © Label. The aim of our organization in this direction is to make consumers sensitive to the problems of human health and environmental protection. In this way, consumers are ensured to prefer products that do not harm the environment.
There is no product group especially for the packaging sector among the product groups to which Ekomark © Standard is applied. However, considering the product groups specified for the criteria, it is a requirement that some products be presented to the consumer in packaging. In this regard, packaging and packaging materials within these product groups also have criteria that will not harm human health and environmental conditions.
For manufacturers, eco-packaging or sustainable packaging is not just a matter of material selection. Big brands look at other parameters to produce ecological packaging. This includes, for example, the design of reduced-size packages, or the reduction of the product-to-package ratio or the reduction of product volume. Meanwhile, the shipping designs of the products have also become important. The use of energy sources at the lowest level, the use of soluble materials in nature and the high rate of recycling of the packaging are also important parameters.
By creating ecological packaging, storage space utilization is improved, transport and transportation costs are reduced and the company's carbon footprint is reduced. The carbon footprint is the unit of carbon dioxide in terms of the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the environmental impact of production activities.
Companies using Ekomark © Tag are companies that take care of human health and the protection of the environment, are responsible for the future of the world and strive to make consumers aware of these issues.
Textile Products Eco Certification
The Ekomark © Tag is mainly associated with products and services. It is also generally displayed on the product packaging, on the company's website or in product catalogs.
Today, there are many ecological labels not only in the European Union countries but all over the world. It is also possible to develop different labels. Energy efficiency labels or organic labels are examples. However ecological labelshas different characteristics besides social responsibility and fair trade.
Eco-Label systematic Ekomark © Standard Like the European Union, it is designed within the principles and methods of ISO 14024 Ecological labeling and is a voluntary label system. The determined criteria have features and importance that can create environmental benefits.
In the Ekomark © Standard, all of the criteria are determined considering the effects of the product on the nature throughout the life cycle. In this respect, products and services will be used Ekomark © Tagenables consumers to select products and services that are sensitive to nature protection.
In our increasingly globalized world, the garment and textile sector is experiencing serious competition, especially in the Asian market. In this competitive environment, with the increasing health and environmental awareness, it has become more important that textile and garment products are reliable in terms of health and environment. The fact that these products carry the Ekomark © Label in such an environment will create a significant difference in the eyes of consumers.
Ekomark © Standard has the features to meet the expectations of the customers in European Union countries and even in the whole world.
The textile and apparel industry is one of the largest industrial sectors in the world, both in terms of production and labor. This sector contributes to both the clothing of the people and the living spaces.
The environmental problems such as global climatic changes, harmful residues, toxic chemicals, ozone hole, acid rain, water and air pollution, which are more felt in environmental conditions today, are caused by the textile industry along with other industries. During the production, there is high water consumption in this sector and some chemicals are used and various wastes are caused. Solid or liquid wastes adversely affect the environment. Some chemicals discharged show toxic effects in the nature and create a danger to the decrease of oxygen in the water and both to aquatic organisms and humans.
For all these reasons, the production of environmentally friendly textiles has become more important and the demand for environmentally friendly textile products has increased rapidly. In addition, the Eco-Label system or ecological labeling system is envisaged as a solution in order to prevent the pollution of air and water in this way.
The European Union is an important market in our country's exports, and as a result of the increasing environmental awareness, the countries of the Union attach importance to the production of products that do not harm human health and nature. For this purpose, the Eco-Label system has been applied for nearly twenty years and covers a large number of product groups.