Ekomark © What is the Tag
Now the whole world is more conscious about environmental problems. As consumers become more conscious, their interest in environmentally friendly products increases. Research shows that consumers choose products and services that are less harmful to the environment in their production stages and that they want to contribute more to the protection of nature in this way.
The most important of the basic ideas behind the Ekomark © Standard developed by our organization is the production of environmentally friendly products that protect the nature, not damaging the nature in the stages of product cultivation, and the consumption of these products is not harmful to human health. Ekomark © StandardAlthough it is designed completely in accordance with the conditions of our country and uniquely, it is actually built on the Eco-Label system developed by the European Union and has been in use since 1992. Ecological label systems developed on a national basis in other countries do not have a different structure.
Our company offers products and services to companies Ekomark © Tag It uses criteria on the basis of product groups prepared and continuously developed by the European Union while giving permission for use. In this way, common criteria are applied for products and services among all other ecological label designs, and simplicity and transparency are provided in the application.
The Ekomark © label has the following meaning for consumers and manufacturers:
• This label is given only to environmentally friendly products in the product groups.
• Permission to use this label is given after environmental tests are carried out on the sample taken from the product.
• This label ensures that environmental impacts are minimal throughout the entire life cycle, from production to disposal.
• With this label, consumers are informed about product selection.
• This label easily distinguishes it from similar products.
• Permission to use this label is based on the authorization obtained from an accreditation body.
• This label is accepted in all European Union countries and countries that are sensitive to ecological labels.
• Manufacturers can easily compete in the market thanks to this label.
• With this system, manufacturing companies improve their production activities and methods.
If you need different information about what Ekomark © Tag is and how it is used, our company's managers and employees are ready to support.
What is Ecology
The expression of ecology in our language is natural science. Ecology is a science that examines the relationships of living things with each other and with their environment. When living things are mentioned, it is stated that people, animals and plants are composed of communities. Environment is the appropriate environment for a living being to survive and maintain its generation. This environment consists of factors such as air, water, soil and light. Nowadays, the term os ecosystem çalışan, which is frequently heard, is used to refer to the entire living and lifeless environment.
Ecology is not interested in the organs of living things and the life processes of these organs. The important thing is the living environment in which living things live and their mutual relations with other living things. In other words, ecology deals with the basic issues that have an impact on all living things and are common to all living things.
In fact, there is an extremely smooth system between all living and inanimate beings, from rivers to lakes, from atmosphere to groundwater, from continents to oceans, from micro-organisms to the world of humans and plants. Perhaps that is why today ecology, environment and human beings use words as a whole. In order to survive, all living things have to establish relationships with other living things and with the environment. The high population growth in recent years, dizzying developments in industry and technology areas, the increasing depletion of natural resources create serious environmental problems and frighten responsible persons and organizations.
More technically, the area between the atmospheric ceiling ten kilometers from the ground and the ocean floor ten kilometers deep from the ground is the shelter for living things. This field is called the biosphere. The science of ecology examines the relationships and living styles of living things living in this 20 kilometer vertical area.
our organization Ekomark © acts with a sense of responsibility in order to prevent the human consumption of nature and the serious environmental problems described above. Developed by our organization and is a completely original standard Ekomark © Standard designed for this purpose. Our company pays attention to the protection of nature and human health. Given this responsibility Ekomark © Tag the use permit is also the result of such efforts.
For more information about ecology, please contact our company managers.