ECOmark helps manufacturers to promote environmentally friendly products with a single sign directly, quickly, effectively and efficiently. The content of recyclable materials, non-hazardous substances, chemical-free, harmful dyestuffs and synthetics, suitable for natural ecological balance, and the use of energy efficiency performance are important factors in consumer perceptions of information products. Environment is an important factor in showing sustainability and brand loyalty.
ECOmark often guides end consumers and buyers in identifying ecological, organic and sustainable products in crowded market countries. It is a voluntary sustainable ecological mark for consumer products. ECOmark aims to minimize the impact of consumer products on the environment, together with the relevant certification requirements. It works with the relevant certification requirements to comply with various sustainability regulations and requirements. It exhibits effective ecological environmental management on the product and service by taking the ecological labeling system standards and harmonized ecological standards as reference.
Benefits of Eco-Friendly Product Certification
Gaining competitive advantage by promoting sustainability and environmental friendliness of products.
Minimizing the risk of market damage by offering ecological products.
Faster access to the market.
Demonstrate commitment to the environment and society.
To adopt the importance of human health by offering ecological products.
It adopts green and natural environment by increasing natural degradability.
With this system, manufacturing companies improve their production activities and methods.
This label ensures that environmental impacts are minimal throughout the entire life cycle, from production to disposal.
It is an energy and food chain in ecosystems and the main source is the sun. Energy and matter create a cycle within the ecosystem. For vitality to continue in nature, some important substances need to be reproduced at the rate they are consumed. Nitrogen is very important for all living things. Each living organism must provide nitrogen, either organically or inorganically. In the same way, water is an indispensable substance for all living things. These substances must have a cycle. In simple terms, the ecological cycle is the event that a number of substances used in nature by living things become reusable and this process continues continuously.
However, ecological cycles are adversely affected by various pathways, especially human interventions. For example, the rapid rise of the population, the development of technology, urbanization and the advancement of the industry have increased the demand of societies for water. Overuse of water, urbanization and population growth, increased water use in industry, new dams and canals, destruction of vegetation are all factors that disrupt the ecological cycle of water.
It is very important that the products are produced in ecological balance and in the most organic ways, that chemicals that will accelerate the production or ripen early are not used, that the seeds and seedlings used are used in their purest form and that the genetics of the plants are not altered. Unfortunately, commercial concerns dominate and undesirable production methods are used. This situation is both a danger to the health of the consumers using these products and the production carried out in this way harms the soil, water and air. It causes pollution of the environment.
It is a well-known fact that although the effects may appear on a national and international scale, the danger is much greater and that it is extremely dangerous for the world to be livable globally.
To obtain an Eco-Friendly Product Certificate, you can request product and service evaluation under ECOmark.