In traditional agricultural production, many chemicals are used as medicines and fertilizers and their negative effects on human health are becoming more and more felt day by day. In order to prevent such damages, pesticides and chemical fertilizers should never be used or used as little as possible. Instead, biological methods and organic fertilizers with the same effects should be used. This understanding forms the basis of ecological agriculture studies. Although its basic approach is the same, this mode of production is also referred to as ecological farming, biological farming or organic farming.
Ecological agriculture activities in our country were first started in 1986. It is generally in line with the demands of foreign companies. In 2002, the Regulation on the Principles and Application of Organic Agriculture was issued as the first legal regulation.
When ecological agriculture is mentioned, it is stated that the efforts to re-establish the balance of natural life that have deteriorated as a result of wrong practices. Human, animal and plant factors in ecological agriculture as well as air, soil, water and other environmental factors are handled, planned and natural resources are used together.
Ecological farming activities are mainly based on the absence of chemical residues, avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, using environmentally friendly production methods, and preferring production techniques that will protect soil and plant productivity. The important thing is to protect the earth, which is the common living space of human beings and all other living things.
The main reasons for applying ecological agriculture and animal husbandry are: to preserve and maintain biodiversity, to prevent environmental pollution, to prevent damage to the ecosystem, to prevent soil erosion, to preserve the quantity and quality of water and to use renewable energy sources to the extent possible.
Our company acts with a sense of responsibility in this respect and participates in ecological agriculture activities that will not harm human health and which is based on the protection of nature with ecological agriculture certification studies. Enterprises that respect human health and the protection of the natural environment and have a sustainable understanding of agricultural activity can prove their status by obtaining Ecological Agriculture Certificate.
With an experienced and trained staff and a modern technological infrastructure, our company always provides quality and reliable services. One of the services provided within this framework is ECO Agriculture Ecological Agriculture certification service.