In recent years, when the density of greenhouse gases outside the atmosphere has increased too much, the strength of tropical forests has not been enough to overcome this negative development. This increase in greenhouse gases causes the ozone layer to open and the sun's harmful rays descend to the surface of the earth. This naturally leads to an increase in temperatures all over the world and a formation called global warming.
Energy / Climate and environmental policies are inextricably linked. All energy production and consumption have environmental impacts. While it may be tempting to overlook the environment during difficult economic times, the challenges of producing and using energy resources in a sustainable manner and protecting our natural environment also represent an opportunity to sustain sustainable economic growth and contribute to reducing and adapting to climate change.
In many respects, energy, climate and environmental objectives are addressed as follows:
energy savings and reduction of energy use: energy savings can be avoided by the impacts associated with the extractive industries and by energy generation, conversion, distribution and consumption in general. It can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce air pollution, surface and groundwater, habitat fragmentation, and reduce biodiversity degradation, such as infrastructure and land use. The EU has introduced various measures to increase efficiency at all stages of the energy chain. It aims to reduce Europe's annual primary energy consumption by 2020 by 20 by year (more information) and proposed more ambitious targets for 2030.
Measures to increase the share of sustainable renewable energy sources in the energy mix can reduce other environmental and climatic pressures compared to other types of energy. Such measures may also contribute to increased resource efficiency when they enable more efficient use of non-recyclable waste streams.
Measures aimed at encouraging the circular economy and making more efficient use of resources also contribute to reducing energy demand: especially when all production and consumption chains are organized more efficiently, reuse of products and recycling of recycled materials.
In some cases, however, energy-environment interactions may bring about risks or sales losses associated with climate, air, soil, biodiversity, waste, water or the marine environment. EU environmental policies and policies exist to ensure that EU policies make the best use of the potential to reduce the risks and impacts of resource and energy consumption. This will bring direct and indirect health, climate and environmental improvements, reduce imports and enable the EU to compete better internationally in a world of limited resources.
If no measures are taken and greenhouse gases continue to rise in this way, the average temperature in the world will rise by three degrees in the late century. In addition, as the glaciers begin to melt, the sea water level will be increased by approximately 65 cm. In other words, the effects of global warming are not only an increase in temperature, but also floods and loss of lives and property due to the rise of the seas.
Recognizing all these dangers, scientists and politicians came together in Kyoto in 1997 to address this global environmental problem, and with the Kyoto protocol signed, decided to control the effects of greenhouse gases on global warming.
In short, the Kyoto Protocol is an international framework for combating climate change and global warming. This protocol was signed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The Kyoto Protocol sets a number of targets for industrialized countries to reduce emissions (emissions to air) of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Gasses that create greenhouse effect are the most important factors in increasing the global warming that threatens life on earth.
What are the Goals of Energy Protocols
The objective of this protocol is to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of industrialized countries in 1990 by 2008 percentages between 2012-5. The countries that have signed the protocol have committed themselves. The goal of countries is different depending on their own circumstances. For example, European Union countries have aimed to reduce the current emission rates by 8 percent and Japan by 5 percent. On the other hand, countries that already have low emission rates are allowed to increase these rates.
At first Russia did not sign the Kyoto Protocol but later decided to support it in 2004.
The Kyoto Protocol was enacted and legally binding as of 2005 since the accession of the country to the protocol. These countries account for at least 55 of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. After all, this 55 country is the richest countries in the world, including OECD countries and Russia.
However, in 2001, the US withdrew from the protocol, stating that it would harm the country's economy. The United States, on the other hand, argued that the protocol did not force developing countries to make a commitment. However, developing countries are the countries most affected by the results, although they have little share in climate change.
Towards Renewable Energy Resources
To date, fossil deposits have always been at the forefront of energy supply, and oil and petroleum products have been the number one energy source. However, renewable energy resources are so much. For example, solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic (hydroelectric) energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy (including biofuel energy), hydrogen energy, wave energy and tidal energy are the first sources that come to mind. In short, renewable energy is energy that is obtained from natural resources and is sustainable.
The need for energy, which has become an increasingly big problem in the world, must be produced only with renewable energy sources and clean energy sources without damaging the natural environment. With the increase in population, the world is faced with more energy needs every day. Moreover, renewable energy sources are not endangered with sufficient air, water and environmental pollution and even these sources are in danger.
Sustainable energy means the energy produced to meet the required energy needs without endangering existing energy sources.
What is ECO Energy System?
It is very important for the future of humanity to turn to energy resources that benefit from natural processes for energy production and which can renew themselves in a much faster time than the depletion rate of the natural resources used. Solar energy is the leading renewable energy source. Solar energy has started to be used for heating and lighting in residential and industrial areas. Wind turbines that generate electricity by utilizing wind power also provide great benefit in this regard. Hydroelectric power plants that make use of the power of water are an important energy source.
Serious steps are also taken in the field of bioenergy. Bioenergy is a type of renewable energy obtained from materials obtained from biological sources. Biomass is used to generate electricity.
However, not all renewable energy sources come from the sun. For example, geothermal energy from underground sources can be used in the heating and cooling systems of buildings, including electricity generation.
All these renewable resources, ECO Energy System's field of activity. The aim of the ECO Energy System is a system that requires the use of sustainable and renewable energy sources without harming the natural environment with clean energy resources.
In the long run, fossil fuel resources will be depleted. In addition, continuing to use these resources irresponsibly damages the nature and disrupts the ecological balance of the earth. Continuing in this way will also deplete the natural resources available today.
To the extent possible, businesses should turn to renewable natural resources and return from practices that pollute the environment and atmosphere in a short time. In this respect, the companies operating in accordance with the ECO Energy System act with a sense of responsibility and stand one step forward while fighting with their competitors.
Today, governmental organizations also enact legal arrangements and implement incentives to support renewable and sustainable energy production.
Which Natural Resources Does the ECO Energy System Lead to?
It focuses on three renewable and sustainable energy sources on which the ECO Energy System is based:
- Wind energy: According to fossil fuel sources, wind energy is the most abundant, most common, most renewable and cleanest energy source. There is no greenhouse gas emission in energy production.
- Solar energy: Radiant heat and light from the sun are the basis of solar energy. This energy source is rarely used today.
- Biomass energy: Biomass is the general name of biological materials obtained from living or recently consumed life forms that have not yet been fossilized. Biomass energy is an inexhaustible source and is ubiquitous. It is considered as an important energy source especially in rural areas.