Cosmetic Products Eco Certification
When the products and services started to circulate very quickly in the national and international arena, it created a need for security and control. The Eco-Label system, or more clearly the environmental product or service labels, arose from such a need. In this system, it is guaranteed that products and services have certain criteria and qualifications. When, where and under what conditions any product or service is produced, the usage performance of this product, its disposal after use and the re-use patterns, in short, the life cycle of the product is explained to everyone.
Our company has also designed Ekomark © Standard in accordance with the conditions of our country with the same approaches. This system is based on voluntarism in our country and there is no coercion.
In fact, before these efforts of the European Union, in the 1970s, the rise in energy and oil prices, and environmental problems and climate change discussions in connection with these resources had begun. The use of labels showing the lowest energy efficiency and emission standards required in the automobile industry in those years are the first examples of today's ecological labels. As the energy and climate debates gradually started to form the international agenda, the first legal regulation on ecological labeling studies was made in the European Union in 1987. This system later came into force with the statute published in 1992.
In the same years, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standards were published by the International Standards Organization. Later, these ISO 14020 Ecological Labels and Declarations were published. This standard sets out the general framework for environmental product and service labeling. Afterwards, ISO 14021, ISO 14024 and ISO 14025 standards were published and the framework of today's ecological labeling system was formed.
Cosmetic products have become a part of daily life. However, there are some substances in these cosmetic products that harm human health in the long term, if not in the short term. One cause of various skin ailments is cosmetic products. However, it is possible to produce cosmetic products in a way that does not harm human health and the environment. Which substances are contained in cosmetic products and whether these substances are harmful or not can be determined by test and analysis studies. In this sense, ecological labels are placed on cosmetic products that will not pose a danger to health and the environment.
To date, only on foreign cosmetics products found on this ecological labels it can now also be produced in our country. Designed by our organization Ekomark © Standard If the products are found to meet the criteria determined by the standard, Ekomark © Tag use is granted.
Companies operating in the personal care and cosmetics sector can now put Ekomark © Tag on their products. The cosmetics range includes not only deodorants, but also from make-up materials to shaving foams, from soaps to cottons. Ekomark © Tag allows consumers to choose the products they can trust.